This is a test category which will appear briefly on the site to check out various performance issues.

This Category loaded to the RDCA site on 14/01/2012 @ 18:10hr.

Google robot not yet visited at all: 16/01/2012 @ 09:30 / 16/01/2012 @ 23:45

Test article added just in case Google doesn't catalogue categories without articles.16/01/2012 @ 11:20

Google robot today catalogued the hidden RDCA-GROUP but not yet the open category RDCA-TEST. The deleted category Downloads is still shown by Google, clicking on it send you to Home. 17/01/2012 @ 22:25. Deleted category still there in the index on 20/01/2012 - will it stay forever ?

Sometime during last night Google catalogued RDCA-TEST in its index. Surprisingly the deleted category Downloads is still there - and clicking on it just sends you to the Home page: 18/01/2012 @ 07:50

I modified Contact Us to streamline it. A characteristic new string there is "Gmail, Hotmail". The update of Contact Us is instantaneous. The Google index update will take time. Initially the Google index shows Contact Us without Gmail - final changes to Contact Us were made 19/01/2012 @ 11:20. Not yet indexed 19/01/2012 @ 23:40; 20/01/2011 @ 09:00; 20/01/12 @ 23:33

Continuing looking for updates to Contact Us and the deleted Downloads, no changes to either seen at the following checkpoints: 21/01/12 @ 08:00; 21/01/12 @ 23:11; 22/01/12 @ 13:22. Contact Us index updated by 23/01/12 @ 22:10, but not Downloads which continues to appear.

RDCA-TEST then hidden from site navigation as it doesn't appear to matter whether it is visible or hidden re Google indexing behaviour. However, it is probably the case that a hidden linked category will be Googled but one truly hidden (ie no links to it from anywhere on the visible site) will escape.


Other current testing:

Dropped some image codes into the Category panel using HTML view. This code was not then stripped out by the Community Sites code cleaner in Preview. However it was taken out on Publishing. Image code was inserted as an image tag and also put inside a Div block as an image tag. Both were taken out on publishing (unlike in the articles area there is no $rawcode option which could be used to do anything you like to the article and therefore bypass the code stripper - ultimately if necessary to publish it in its entirety from the HTML code window, text, images, multimedia, tables etc etc). So text and links are OK - presumably anything is OK here that would get through to a published article, except for images !

Changed the image on the Test Article by uploading a 16x16 image (doesn't work if an external image is linked to, the default placemarker is still used). This image then replaces default placemarker image. Note that container doesn't shrink to new image size so placemarkers themselves must be constrained in Community Sites code to 100x100. Not surprising really !

for SEECAN Organisation
Page link: TEST-Page188
URL: http://www.rochforddistricthistory.org.uk/page_id__188.aspx
Page link: TEST ONE
Sub-Title of Test One
Category link: TEST CATEGORY
Short Description
Category link: TITLE ... one line, if void then called
TITLE ... one line, if void then called "unknown"
Short description: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ddddddddddddddddd fffffffffffffffff fffffffffffffffff ssssssssssssssss fffffffffffffffff ggggggggggggggggggggg vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb etc etc