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Canewdon Myths and Legends

By Jason Rose on 17/10/2016 at 18:22

As I find myself as a stay-at-home dad I've started writing a blog about various subjects to pass the time and keep myself busy. One of the topics I've always been interested in that I would like to write about is the local tales of witchcraft, particularly surrounding the village of Canewdon.

I've been down to the Southend library archives and found quite a considerable number of newspaper and Essex Countryside Magazine articles, but I'm wondering if perhaps any more of the locals still about today may have any other articles, photos or information with regards to this?

If you knew any information or had any archives on this at all it would be great to know. Otherwise, once I've finished uploading all the articles you're welcome to have the link or Word files so that you have these treasures stored your end too.

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