About Hockley

General information about Hockley. Click other Hockley icons for articles. We always welcome further stories, photos and other records as well as your comments on existing articles.

Here are some links we have found on the Internet. Please let us know of anything we might have missed:

Hockley Wiki: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hockley/

Hockley Parish Council: http://www.essexinfo.net/hockley-parish-council/

This page was added by Bob Stephen on 19/03/2012.
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Am trying to track down where Schofield & Martin's was in Hockley. Anyone know, please?

By Bill
On 27/08/2015

I came across this site:


which led me to this one, with some 20 old photos of Hockley:


I have come back to visit after some 20 years living outside the UK and we got chatting about Hockley village. No butchers, no greengrocers and no fishmongers anymore, just two supermarkets selling the same polystyrene trays with industrially prepared cuts of meat and fish and underipe fruit and veg. I was trying to track down photos of Bailey's the butchers, or going further back Schofield and Martin's store. Anyway, I didn't find much but I found these links.

By Paul
On 15/09/2013
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