Contact Us

Rochford District Community Archive  (RDCA)

"Help us save your memories for future generations"


1. Our web address is:

2. Our email address is:

3. Our webmaster numbers:

fixed: xxxxx xxxxxx

mobile: xx xx xx xxxxx


If you need to contact us there are several possibilities depending on your circumstances.

You have no email facilities?

If you don't have an internet connection that you can use for emails or you are unfamiliar with sending or receiving emails then please telephone Rayleigh Library - 01268 775830 - or leave your details with your local library or the mobile library and we will contact you.

You use internet based email?

If you use a web based email system that requires you to log into a server such as Gmail, Hotmail, BT, AOL, etc; and your emails are not stored on your local computer then please type or copy/paste the following email address into your web based email program:

You use a local email system?

If you use a local email program such as Outlook Express, Windows Live Mail, Thunderbird etc; which you can use online or offline - and your  emails are stored on your local computer, and possibly also on a server, then please just click on the following link which will open up your local email program and allow you to send us a message directly from it: