About Sutton

General information about Sutton Parish. Click other Sutton icons for articles. We always welcome further stories, photos and other records as well as your comments on existing articles.

The area is known locally as Sutton with Shopland. The civil Parish of Shopland was amalgamated with Sutton in 1933. When Shopland church was demolished following bomb damage, artifacts were removed and went to Sutton church and others. Shopland churchyard is rededicated every year.

Here are some links we have found on the Internet. Please let us know of anything we might have missed:

Sutton Wiki: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sutton,_Essex/

Sutton Parish Council: http://www.suttonwithshoplandparishcouncil.com/

This page was added by Bob Stephen on 19/03/2012.
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