Multiple importations, text, docs, etc

Image accompanying MP3 audio clip: Paddington at the fair ( KB)

Paddington at the fair

One of the PB stories

Photo: Illustrative image for the 'Multiple importations, text, docs, etc' page

By Bob Stephen

Here is an example of what not to do on the site.

I have tried to see what happens when multiple things are added to a page and whether these are laid out nicely by the software. The answer is they are not.

First a document was added as an image (jpg) "The banks must be broken apart": This nicely appears opposite

Then the same document was added as a document attachment (pdf): This appears at the bottom of the page. If you were to scan some documents then you could deal with them as images or as documents or both (the image is difficult to see but the document attachment, at the bottom of the page, is high resolution but needs clicking on).

Then I added an audio clip, and a photo with it and also some associated transcript text: This appears at the top of the page, not such a good place! And the audio bar with it is cushed - perhaps as a result of the very small photo size I used. And also the associated text transcript has gone to the bottom of the page. So this is hopeless really.

I also tried to put up a Google map but there is something faulty with the process of saving this to the site.

The consequence of all this complicated "work" is that everything gets hopelessly mixed up as you can see. And there is no easy way of putting things right.

So the motto when adding pages to the site is probably to keep things very simple and make each page simple in terms of the type of material it contains:

  • Text / photo(s) only
  • Audio and associated stuff only
  • Google maps and some text only

IMGTest_PDF3.pdf (3784k)

Transcript for 'Paddington at the fair':

Here we can transcribe the audio if we want, or perhaps do anything we like.Lets see where the text appears ...
And we can put a picture with the audio. Mr Bob will do !

This page was added by Bob Stephen on 03/02/2011.
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